To all of you out there: I'm a Gleek.
The show that everyone has been watching for two seasons has finally seeped into my TV schedule. I caught the Glee season two marathon on Oxygen this Saturday, and I was hooked. I DVR-ed the whole second half of season two becasue I was in the city all day. The show is perfect. There's something about it that gives you a feeling you can't describe. I can't wait to watch the first season (what is a good place to do that?) and first half of season two.

One of the episodes I really enjoyed was the one where they sang Fleetwood Mac. I'm not what you would call a "fan" of the band, but everytime their songs come on, I get happy. I love the dusty sound of music from the seventies. Kristin Chenowith, of course, is amazing in the show and did a great job performing "Dreams", but I especially enjoyed Quinn and Finn singing "I Don't Want To Know". So much that I listened to the song on repeat throughout my commute yesterday!! What a Fleek. (Fleetwood Geek).
Since I dusted off my parent's old record player a few months ago, I decided to search for the Rumors album, which was the album featured in that episode of Glee. The crackle of vinyl is amazing. That is where the songs sound best. Yesterday during lunch I came upon this awesome record store called Secondhand Rose Records on 12th and Broadway. It's 2 blocks from my office so you can be sure I will be back many times. It's a narrow store that is filled with shelves of records, crates of records stacked on top of each other, and a very fun, knowledgeable store keeper. He found a few copies for me ranging from $25 to $40, but I saved the more expensive, dust cover clad copies for the real collectors. I loved looking through all of the baskets of 45's and 33's, wondering who owned these records and the life they lived before they came to sit in this store.
After almost forgetting the album on the train due to a distraction by a converstaion with a fine as wine older man and a chef, I played the record all night. If only my family would break into random song like the kids on Glee.
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